Welcome to Anila Mahajan Sarswati Vidya mandir Manali

Anila Mahajan Sarswati Vidya Mandir is a Co-educational school that offers education in both Hindi and English mediums. It embraces students from all backgrounds, regardless of their caste, creed, color, or religion, while upholding a strictly secular environment. Affiliated with the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, our school places great emphasis on innovation.

At SVM School, we believe in a holistic approach to learning, where students actively engage in hands-on
experiences encompassing doing, thinking, problem-solving, listening, talking, reading, playing, sharing,and role-playing. This approach transforms the learning process into a joyful experience. Our education system strongly advocates experiential learning, encouraging students to explore new ideas and refine their capabilities and skills.

Equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, our school provides students with ample opportunities to question, explore, examine, hypothesize, and draw logical inferences, fostering a scientific temperament.Our primary focus is to challenge students, enabling them to expand their horizons and develop critical thinking abilities.


In today's context, a school's duty transcends the pursuit of academic excellence. It encompasses the profound mission of motivating and equipping students to evolve into perpetual learners, discerning thinkers, and influential contributors within our swiftly changing global community.

Our Vision And Mission

"At Sarswati Vidya Mandir School Manali, our vision is to empower tomorrow's leaders today. We believe in nurturing a generation of students who will go on to positively impact their communities and the world. Our mission is to provide a world-class education that goes beyond academic excellence. We are committed to fostering intellectual curiosity, creativity, and character development in our students. Our dedicated educators work tirelessly to instill a lifelong love of learning and equip our students with essential critical thinking skills. We emphasize values such as respect, integrity, and social responsibility, ensuring that our graduates not only excel academically but also become responsible and compassionate citizens."

About Sarswati Vidya Mandir High School Manali


Total Students


Class Rooms


Schools bus


Total Teachers

Our School Facilities


Educational Support

Educational support encompasses a wide range of services and resources provided to students to enhance their learning experiences.

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School Lab’s

School labs are essential components of education, providing students experiences in various subjects such as science and technology. Read More

Event Calander

Event calendar promises a blend of academic excellence, artistic brilliance and the overall development of our students. Read More

Spacious classrooms

Having spacious classrooms is an important aspect of a school's infrastructure and can significantly impact the learning environment. Read More